Hawaii Insurance Requirements.

Provider #215829

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Continuing Education Requirements

This information is intended to provide answers to commonly asked questions by insurance agents. It is not intended to replace detailed information found in your state’s statutes and regulations. Though we have made reasonable efforts to ensure that the information given is reliable and current, we cannot guarantee that it is. For more information, please contact your state insurance department. See contact information below.

Hours Required

If the Agent holds a license with only one line of authority in either life or accident and health or sickness,  Or property, marine and transportation, vehicle, general casualty, or surety - The requirement is 24 credit hours
 - 21 Credit Hours relating to the line of license held 
 - 3 Credit Hours relating to Ethics or Hawaii Insurance Laws and Rules

If the Agent holds a license with both lines of authority in life or accident and health or sickness, And property, marine and transportation, vehicle, general casualty, or surety. -  The requirement is 24 credit hours
 - 10 credit hours relating to life or accident and health or sickness 
 - 11 credit hours relating to property/casualty
 - 3 credit hours relating to Ethics OR Hawaii Laws and Rules

Compliance Date

Beginning November 16, 2022, all licenses and registrations must renew online via NIPR. Upon first renewal in NIPR, all individual and business entity licenses and registrations expiration/renewal dates will be automatically moved to the last date of the birth month (individual) or last date of the date certain (business entity if applicable).

Approved Course Delivery Methods

• Independent self-study online or written courses (passing grade of 70% required on final exam)
• Classroom
• Interactive Online
• Seminar

Exam Requirements

Self-study final exams require a monitor. It should be a disinterested third party (i.e. someone with no business or family relationship to the examinee.)

Course Subject Requirements

• 3 hours Ethics or Hawaii Insurance Law and Rules (excess Ethics/Law credits will count toward license specific credits if it is for the same line of insurance)

-Long Term Care - 8 hour initial training and 4 hours ongoing training requirement for producers selling or soliciting long term care insurance.

-Annuity - 4 hours initial training for producers selling or soliciting annuity products.

-Flood - 3 hours training for producers selling or soliciting flood insurance.

Hawaii CE Priority List (How your credits are applied by the state)

  1. The Rules/Ethics requirement will first be satisfied by any Rules/Ethics credits.
    1. If there is an excess of Rules/Ethics credits (meaning the Rules/Ethics requirement has been satisfied), the excess will first go to the Life/Health requirement.
    2. If the Life/Health requirement has been satisfied, then any leftover Rules/Ethics credits will go to the Property/Casualty requirement.
    3. If the producer has not taken any or enough Rules/Ethics courses, the remaining credit requirements may be fulfilled by Ethics/Life-Health first, then Ethics/Property-Casualty.
      1. If the producer has satisfied the Rules/Ethics requirement using Ethics/Life-Health or Ethics/Property-Casualty, the excess Ethics/Property-Casualty will go to Property/Casualty only and the excess Ethics/Life-Health will go to Life/Health only.
  2. The Life/Health requirement will first be satisfied by any Life/Health credits, then Rules/Ethics, and last Ethics/Life-Health.
    1. Ethics/Life-Health credits will not count towards the Property/Casualty requirement.
  3. The Property/Casualty requirement will first be satisfied  by Property/Casualty credits, then Rules/Ethics, and last Ethics/Property-Casualty.
    1. Ethics/Property-Casualty credits will not count towards the Life/Health requirement.
Courses are re-distributed according to priority each time a new course is added to the producer's education transcript.
If you have any questions, please contact the Hawaii Insurance Licensing Branch at (808) 586-2788 or inslic@dcca.hawaii.gov

Carryover Credits

Excess credits may not be carried over to the next reporting period.

Course Repetition

Courses may not be taken for credit more than once in a reporting period.


• Nonresident agents are exempt if home state has a reciprocal agreement with Hawaii.

Credit Reporting

CAPE will report credits to SBS within 15 days of course completion. A course completion certificate is provided for the agent’s records.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions regarding renewal or credits, please contact:

Hawaii Insurance Division
Licensing Division
P.O. Box 3614
Honolulu, HI 96811-3614
(808) 586-2788

Contact Cape:

Cape School, Inc.
P.O. Box 169
Buckingham, VA 23921
Phone: 800-729-7363
Fax: 888-303-1828

View Available Courses Here

Have Questions? Call us at # 800-729-7363 or reach us by email at info@capeschool.com.